Key Words:
Emotional balance
Dating back to ancient civilizations, the Sodalite crystal meaning is linked to the ethereal energy that promotes the highest form of self-expression. Sculptors, painters, and artists were known to carry Sodalite for inspiration.
The Sodalite crystal stone meaning has a long held association with the color of the heavens. During the Renaissance, this particular shade of blue was considered a sacred color (sacre bleu) and was often used to color the robes of Mother Mary and the Archangel Michael, a warrior-archangel with a flaming sword.
Sodalite clears electromagnetic pollution and can be placed on computers to block the emanations. It particularly good for group work, as it brings harmony and solidarity of purpose.
Sodalite is one of the densest and most grounded of the dark blue stones and is superb for meditation and deep journeying. It brings insights into the self and an honest evaluation of one’s motivations, strengths, weaknesses, gifts and patterns of destiny. It's frequency dispels mental confusion, stilling the mind to allow new information to be received, and brings an enlightened perspective on life. Sodalite increases consciousness, idealism, and striving for the truth, and eliminates guilt and fears better than any other stone. It helps one own and verbalize one’s true feelings and to stand up for oneself. It.
This is an excellent stone for the mind. The vibrational frequency helps to eliminate mental confusion and intellectual bondage by encouraging rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuitive perception. The frequency calms the mind and allows new information to be received.

Sodalite is an ideal stone for those who are oversensitive, defensive, impulsive, or prone to anxiety or panic attacks to stabilize the mind and allow a shift from emotional to rational. Hold as a worry or palm stone to regain composure, and wear or carry Sodalite to maintain a calm, stable energy. Place on the Third Eye area to gain intellectual understanding and a clearer perspective of one’s self or a situation. Working with a Sodalite sphere helps correct aggressiveness towards others, as well as the self, and can reduce tendencies toward sadism or masochism.
A valued support crystal for women, Sodalite may be used to bring balance to the emotions and diminish outbursts brought on by PMS, menopause, or other hormone-related matters. It promotes understanding and assists in coming to terms with issues of aging, loss of fertility, empty nest syndrome and entering a new phase of life.

Sodalite is a talisman of the writer, known for enhancing creativity and inspiration, focus, and clear communication. It has also been called the Poet’s Stone, the Stone of Creatives, as well as the Stone of Truth. Utilize Sodalite as a research or study aid to remain centered and to sort out the new and unfamiliar, for stimulating deep thought, and for increasing inventiveness and originality in the expression of one’s artistic work. Sodalite may also be used as a psychic shield to keep others from stealing one’s ideas and inspirations.
Place Sodalite on computers to block their emanations and clear electromagnetic pollution. It is highly beneficial for those sensitive to “sick-building syndrome” or electromagnetic smog.

Sodalite is ideal for use in group work, promoting unity and a commonality of goals and purpose. It stimulates the qualities of companionship and mutual dependence, and encourages self-esteem, self-trust and trust in others.
The ultimate calming crystal, Sodalite is highly effective for alleviating fears associated with flying. Hold on take-off and landing, and keep nearby to help counteract jetlag.

For insomnia or other sleep issues, place Sodalite under the pillow or on a nightstand to encourage restful sleep.
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