Key Words:
Absorbs energy
Public Speaking
Self confidence
Septarian nodules are unique in that they were formed as a result of volcanic eruptions and attracted dead sea life chemically bonding them to the sediment and forming mud balls. They are composed of Calcite, which makes up the yellow centers and Aragonite which are the brown lines. The outer grey rock is Limestone.
The name Septarian comes from the Latin word "septum" meaning seven, or “saeptum” which means a wall or enclosure. As the balls dried they shrank inside and had a tendency to create a distinctive pattern of 7 points in every direction.

Septarian (also called Dragon Stone) is a wonderful stone to wear or carry with you if you speak in public, as it gives you confidence and allows you to gain an audience’s attention. A grounding stone, Septarian allows for better tolerance and patience, as well as emotional flexibility.
Septarian can absorb your energy when held over a period of time and transmits that energy into strength when needed.
We recommend placing this stone by your night stand or within your pillowcase to maximize its true potential. Try pairing this stone with Quartz to enhance its energy output and the strength at which it vibrates.
Many people believe septarian to be a healing stone as well as a protective stone. Septarian nurtures and grounds the wearer, bringing about feelings of happiness and understanding. Septarian is associated with the lower chakras: root, sacral and solar plexus.
Dragon Eggs:
Although often called septarian nodules, this sedimentary rock is more technically a concretion. A concretion is a spherical, egg shaped, or irregular mass that forms around a nucleus. They often develop radial cracks that get filled in by other minerals. Their geological formation is still a matter of debate. Madagascan septaria are gray to brown limestone with yellow calcite and brown to black aragonite. Some pieces have colorless baryte.

Septarian specimens are geodes that are a combination of yellow calcite, brown aragonite, grey limestone and white or clear barite. The word septarian comes from the Latin word "septum," meaning "partition." Septarian nodules contain angular cavities as a result of cracking, which are called septaria and create divisions throughout the stone. These unique septaria can be any length and each septarian can have many different cracks. Calcite leeches into the cracks of septarian to form calcite crystals on a layer of aragonite, which is on bentonite clay. Eventually, bentonite is replaced with limestone, resulting in the nodule turning to stone.
Septarian stones are found along the Gulf of Mexico, all the way inland to Southern Utah. Other specimens have been discovered along Madagascar where water levels similarly receded.