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Key Words:

Emotional Healer for after grief, illness, or financial loss
First Aid Stone for calming emotional shock
Wonderful for Military Personal
Good for those who live in or near a war zone
Assists healing of speech
Helps dispel anxiety and panic
Helps to calm arguments between siblings
Exceptional for healing the mental scars of violence 

An extraordinary stone of the Heart Chakra, Rhodonite shares more than the lovely rose color of its sister stone, Rhodochrosite.  While both lay bare the emotional wounds and scars of the past for healing, restoration and reinvigoration, Rhodochrosite focuses on nurturing the inner self and reclaiming all one was meant to be. Rhodonite, richer in color with effects that are deeper and more lasting, takes up the process and empowers one to reach one’s full potential, focusing one’s gifts and energies outward for the betterment of all. 

It is a stone of purpose, cooperation and community, altruism and generosity of spirit.

Rhodonite is highly recognized as an emotional healer and for bringing one back to center during stressful times. It is a crucial “first aid stone” for calming emotional shock and panic, and provides grounded support during the process of dealing with painful issues. 

Rhodonite has a strong resonance with forgiveness and giving the soul the love it needs in order to heal. It gently releases self-destructive tendencies, festering resentments and anger, and allows one to see both sides of an issue to reach conciliation. It encourages the love of others, and aligning with the spirituality of the universe in order to recognize one’s purpose and how one’s gifts and abilities may be use to help others.

Hold Rhodonite to dispel anxiety and remain centered in challenging situations. It is ideal for alerting one to circumstances where something, or someone, is not as it seems, and provides the “wake up call” needed to do something positive about it. 

Use Rhodonite to hold back insults and recognize that revenge and retaliation are self-destructive. 

In times of danger, it is particularly useful to promote calm and to ameliorate panic. 

Rhodonite creates an engaging aura and protects against envy and jealousy. It is highly effective for reducing childhood jealousies between siblings that often spoil their adult relationships. Use Rhodonite to avoid arguments over shared assets, such as an inheritance. 

Wear, carry or place Rhodonite in any area to balance emotions and nurture feelings of love.

Utilize it in the workplace to increase self-assurance and overcome feelings of inadequacies, and keep in areas where family relaxes, to calm children, teenagers and adults who have trouble controlling their temper, swear or constantly argue. It is highly effective for learning to take back projections that blame others for what is really inside the self. 

Use Rhodonite to regain equilibrium, both emotionally and physically, after a period of grief or loss, major illness, financial disappointment, heartache or intense unhappiness.

Wear Rhodonite jewelry after a breakup to learn to love yourself and value your own company. It is exceptional for healing the mental scars of violence, relieving the pain of unrequited love, or the obsession for a love who would never leave an existing relationship. 

Rhodonite assists in the healing of speech and hearing, and makes one more sensitive to sounds and music. It is also reputed to give the wearer the ability to learn languages more easily. 

Rhodonite is a wonderful talisman for service personnel, peacekeepers and aid workers, as well as those who live in or near war zones. To send positive energy, set a dish of tumbled Rhodonites or a Rhodonite egg next to a picture of the war-torn area or loved one serving overseas.