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Key Words:

Protective Frequency
Stabilizes finances
Converts negative energy
to pure usable energy
Great for Businesses

Jet is actually formed from fossilized wood but looks like coal. It can be easily cut or carved, and it has a uniform texture that makes it possible to carve with accuracy. It has been used as a talisman since the Stone Age. 
According to an article from Cape Cod Crystals, Not only does Jet help us to channel powerful, productive energy into areas we seek improvement, Jet gently cleanses spaces and auras, removing toxic energies before sealing us in a protective barrier from negativity. After cleansing yourself with Jet, you may notice that you not only feel lighter and relieved but also motivated and capable. This is because Jet doesn’t just release negative energy’s grip on your auric field, it converts that unwanted energy into pure, usable energy. Jet teaches us that obstacles and hardships don’t have to stop us from achieving our goals. We can learn how to turn the strength we use to stay afloat during times of struggle into a drive to change our situation for the better.

Jet draws out negative energies and helps to dispel unreasonable fears in the wearer. It is a stone of protection and sends out a frequency that guards against violence and illness. 

Folklore has it being used to protect from "entities of darkness". 

Some say that those who are attracted to it are "old souls".  

Jet is said to carry the frequency that stabilizes finances and protects businesses.  It's good to keep in the cash drawer or somewhere on the premises of the business. 

Jet is associated with the base chakra. Because it is formed from the wood of ancient trees, Jet connects us to the energies and knowledge of the Earth. Jet converts negativity into pure, usable energy. An excellent grounding and protection stone. 

Include Jet in any healing or cleansing practice to neutralize negativity and purify energy. 

Use it in crystal grids, body layouts or place it near other stones to cleanse them.

Jet can purify and remove blockages in all chakras and help us to ground ourselves through the base chakra.

Hall, 160 - 161
Cape Cod Crystals