Key Words:
Multidimensional healing
Controlled Emotional Reactions
Aligns all chakras
Expansion of consciousness
Golden Healer Quartz is a silicon dioxide that has golden or yellow iron minerals on the surface or as inclusions.
It’s considered a multi-purpose crystal because of its many uses and benefits. It contains the magnifying properties of the Clear Quartz and the benefits of healing change.
The golden hue of Golden Healer Quartz is because of the iron oxide trapped inside the crystal.

Golden Healer Quartz helps you stay in control when dealing with challenging family dynamics. The energy of Golden Healer Quartz is not intended to heal your relationship with your family, but rather to help you cope with it. It offers you the emotional distance and perspective you need to stop yourself from falling into the old traps of the family drama paradigm. This crystal reminds you to be the one who shows up in a calmer and more open state of mind, and it calls on you to be the healer. With the clear mental state that this crystal provides, you will be able to partake in open communication and make rational decisions.
Golden Healer Quartz reminds you not to take things so personally. Whenever something is said or done that triggers an argument or negative reaction, take a moment to step away and reconnect with the energy of Golden Healer Quartz.
Golden Healer Quartz will help to raise your vibration to a higher state so that you can have better control of your own actions.
Quartz Crystals are known as Master Healers, responding to the energy and pressure provided throughout their lifetimes I order to cleanse and transmute negative energy into positive, healing energy. This allows Quartz to assume a wide range of color and patterned varieties, each with their own unique metaphysical healing properties yet all sharing a base range of characteristics. Quartz Crystals provide a steady balancing energy aura throughout the spaces they are kept,