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Girasol Quartz
Girasol Rose Quartz
Key Words:

Solar Flares
Healing Touch
Spiritual Development
Align the Chakras

Excerpt taken from an excellent article found on  "themagickalearth.com"  ~  Girasol ("jir-uh-saul" or "jir-uh-soul") is a clear, milky white, or extremely pale pink variety of quartz.  The word comes from the Italian girasole, “turn towards the Sun”, and originally referred to a milky blue glass first produced in Venice during the Renaissance.  The term in geology describes any mineral that displays the girasol effect: either an internal floating glow that moves with changes in the light, often white, blue, or golden yellow in color, or a haziness produced by scattered light instead.

Varieties of opal, moonstone, and sapphire are the best known examples. Their resemblance to girasol quartz explains some of its other trade names: moon quartz, blue opal quartz, and girasol opal quartz. Unfortunately this also leads to confusion among them, especially girasol opal and girasol quartz.

While girasol refers to several minerals, this optical effect is specifically called adularescence ("adj-uh-luhr-ess-ence") in moonstone.  It comes from the word adularia, after a Swiss location where stones with the effect are found.

How are girasol quartz and rose quartz related? 

Girasol quartz comes from the same mines that produce star rose quartz. It can appear pink, especially on a white surface, sometimes smoky, and may be starred itself. Polished gems can display a star shaped sheen on their surface if they contain fibers of another mineral, typically rutile. Recent research suggests not only the star effect, but the color, cloudiness, and small crystal size of most rose quartz are instead due to a previously unknown variety of pink dumortierite. These fibers are so small, they are only visible with a scanning electron microscope.

These inclusions produce the opalescence and girasol effect in girasol quartz. Star sapphire and girasol sapphire are related in the same way, although rutile is responsible. Because of this connection to star rose quartz, girasol quartz is also known as white rose quartz or white star quartz.

Additional Information on Girasol Quartz

Girasol quartz is a good tool for energy workers using modalities from Reiki to Healing Touch. It helps them tap into the flow of universal energy at the heart of their practice. 

Girasol Quartz helps us to filter out negative emotions that do not serve us – such as depression, anxiety, fear or anger – and strengthens positive emotions – such as love, compassion and courage.  Girasol Quartz can help us to clearly see where emotional growth is needed and what we need to do on a practical level in order to create the happiest and healthiest life possible.  When bad things happen to us, Girasol Quartz can help us to learn from the bad experiences and then move on without dwelling. 

Girasol Quartz is a wonderful stone to help us visualize positive goals and then to actively move take the steps to bring our dreams into reality.